Power Point Presentation What is Easy Grade Pro: Presentation1.pptxĮasy Grade Pro 4.0's main view consists of six different charts: Scores, Attendance, Seating, Students, Assignments and Standardsġ. Easy Grade Pro is available for both Windows and Macintosh systems. In addition, this suite consists of software for desktop and handheld computers. Easy Grade Pro is a suite of software designed for educators at all grade levels and institutions who want powerful, but easy to use tools to manage their student grades, attendance and other information. It provides an abundance of tools to save you time, provides a wealth of information, and allows you to generate professional internet and paper reports. By: Georgina Feher, Eliza Smith, Courtney Barnes, and Jennifer Liscomb, Elena Penuelas, Enrique Cardon, and Brooke RoddyĮasy Grade Pro is an electronic gradebook, which can be used to store student information for all of your classes and subjects.